White empty page, blank but for promise
A pen that is poised, summoning words to flow from it
Who knows where they’re born, from which well they spring
How they bleed from the ink
Revealing what’s within
Illuminating emotions that are buried inside
Thoughts and feelings that otherwise hide
Eluding articulation
In a confusing swirl
Before finding their form, in the sensate world
Revealing in script the recesses of the soul
Hidden meaning and wisdom, from life
To make us whole
A precious gift, this tool to unearth
The mystery of self
A blessing beyond words
Metamorphosis 1 – Philip Glass
4 thoughts on “Empty Page”
Writing is very therapeutic, isn’t it? You remind me that I need to do it more often…
Indeed it is, thank you!
Love the flow of your words…you are def blessed
Thank you ?