BoxingPoetic(ish) Musings

like the night that ali fought holmes

trying to recapture dreams of the past
memories that flicker like ghosts
days that we once took for granted
when we were kings and would never grow old

feet that now fall flat and heavy
that like butterflies once did float
present only in body
where once there was soul

like the night that ali fought holmes

years long since gone
what was right now feels wrong
decay, where once there was growth
what once was vibrant, urgent and fresh
now tired, stagnant and old

our youth, our passion, our ambition, our dreams
gifts that the hands of time stole
and when the magic we made has faded away
what remains when dim the flame’s glow

we may live in denial
wilfully blind
as our story draws to its close
but life turns the page
and we must leave the stage

like the night that ali fought holmes

like the night

that ali fought holmes

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