Light a Fire – In Praise of Teachers, Coaches and Mentors
Posted onAnybody that has read my book or blog will know that I am partial to a cup of Earl Grey, and I enjoy nothing more than whiling my time away […]
Anybody that has read my book or blog will know that I am partial to a cup of Earl Grey, and I enjoy nothing more than whiling my time away […]
Do you really know just how much you are capable of? So often we can put barriers in our own way, doubts and fears that prevent us from achieving our […]
I don’t really have regrets, but I wish I’d seen more of the world. I can’t complain, life has been good to me, but there are so many places I […]
I wrote a book, I don’t know if you noticed, I don’t mention it much. Writing it helped me to deal with some very difficult challenges. Now, it’s time to […]
Happy New Year everybody! Just over one week on, Christmas seems like a distant memory, and, as the reality of the daily routines begin to dawn, I expect that many […]
Well, it would appear that I’m a published author. And it feels… amazing! I have been an avid reader my whole life and would never have imagined that I would […]
Why are men arseholes? It’s not a good time to own a penis. In the last few weeks we have heard numerous, graphic accounts of the disgusting behaviour of one […]
Do you remember Carl Lewis, the singer? You know. Carl Lewis. Singer. The performer Michael Jackson dreamed he could be. Singer of THE definitive version of the Star Spangled Banner. […]
Social media addiction Relationships are perhaps the most important things that we have in our lives. Whatever challenges we face, whatever joys we experience, the ability to share them with […]