Mental HealthMH Depression & Me

Vlog: Frazzled! Time Out

Coming off antidepressant medication has brought challenges, and a realisation that I have been running myself into the ground.

My brain is fried right now and I need a break, to look after myself and get myself well again. It’s important for me to document this, for my own sake to track how I am and to monitor my mental health, and also to help others that may be facing the same challenges in their own lives. 

Like anything in life, managing your mental health isn’t a straightforward, linear process. There will be good bits and periods of significant progress, and there will also be some real challenges. That’s normal. That’s life. 

I have no doubt that this is just a period of time. It’s not a ‘failure’. It’s just pointing me to things I need to learn and things I need to do to look after myself. And that’s fine. That’s important. The need to step back and take care of ourselves applies to all of us at some point, whatever the challenges that we face in our lives.

Self-care isn’t selfish. Sometimes it’s what we need to keep us going.



Click here to see the fifth vlog in my series on antidepressant withdrawal


Matthew’s debut book, Something Changed: Stumbling Through Divorce, Dating & Depression, is available now Click here for info

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